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Chaucer Used Poetic Form Essay Example For Students

Chaucer Used Poetic Form Essay How has Chaucer utilized wonderful structure, structure and language to communicate his musings and sentim...

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

gender differences essays

gender differences essays A baby is born and the doctor looks at the proud parents and says three simple words: Its a boy, or Its a girl! Before a newborn child even takes his or her first breath of life outside the mothers womb, he or she is distinguishable and characterized by gender. The baby is brought home and dressed in clothes that help friends, family, and even strangers identify the sex of the child. Baby boys are dressed in blue and baby girls are dressed in pink. The baby boy may be dressed in a blue jumpsuit with a football or a baseball glove on it. The baby girl may wear a bow in her hair and flowered pajamas. As the boy begins to grow, he is given a miniature basketball and a hoop to play with. The girl is given dolls and doll clothing to dress them up in. Even going further, eventually the boy may play with Legos and Lincoln Logs while the girl gets a Play School oven and a plastic tea set with which to play house. Sounds pretty normal, right? The Sociologists have developed a theory which describes the way in which individuals represent themselves to society. This theory is called the social construction of self. By self, we mean the capacity to represent oneself what one wished to communicate to others. The theory is says that the self is produced or constructed through interactions with other people over a lifetime (Kornblum, 128). When relating this theory to gender roles, people act in a certain way to give an impression to society. For example, girls wear pink to let society know that they are female. This is the gender that they wish to communicate to society because that is what is deemed to be There are many agents of socialization that influence the socialization of gender. These agents include family, schools, community, peer groups and the mass media (Kornblum 136). As discussed earlier, from the moment a baby is born, their...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Supersaurus - Facts and Figures

Supersaurus - Facts and Figures Name: Supersaurus (Greek for super lizard); pronounced SOUP-er-SORE-us Habitat: Woodlands of North America Historical Period: Late Jurassic (155-145 million years ago) Size and Weight: Over 100 feet long and up to 40 tons Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Extremely long neck and tail; small head; quadrupedal posture About Supersaurus In most ways, Supersaurus was a typical sauropod of the late Jurassic period, with its exceedingly long neck and tail, bulky body, and comparatively small head (and brain). What set this dinosaur apart from enormous cousins like Diplodocus and Argentinosaurus was its unusual length: Supersaurus may have measured a whopping 110 feet from head to tail, or over one-third the length of a football field, which would make it one of the longest terrestrial animals in the history of life on earth! (Its important to keep in mind that his extreme length didnt translate into extreme bulk: Supersaurus probably only weighed about 40 tons, max, compared to up to 100 tons for still-obscure plant-eating dinosaurs like Bruhathkayosaurus and Futalognkosaurus). Despite its size and its comic-book-friendly name, Supersaurus still lingers on the fringes of true respectability in the paleontology community. The closest relative of this dinosaur was once thought to be Barosaurus, but a more recent fossil discovery (in Wyoming in 1996) makes Apatosaurus (the dinosaur once known as Brontosaurus) the more likely candidate; the exact phylogenetic relationships are still being worked out, and may never be fully understood in the absence of additional fossil evidence. And the standing of Supersaurus has been further undermined by the controversy surrounding the oddly spelled Ultrasauros (previously Ultrasaurus), which was described around the same time, by the same paleontologist, and has since been classified as a synonym of the already-dubious Supersaurus.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case Study 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

1 - Case Study Example GE Company, in its effort to remain relevant in the last century, has resorted to modest management practices as a strategy to remain competitive in the business market. This article seeks to examine the management developments that GE Company has applied in the last century. According to Cole (5), the traditional management practices have been phased out by modern management practices. In his theory of management, Cole (7) regards innovation as the core value in modern management strategies. To a large extent, GE has remained innovative in modeling its strategic goals and objectives in the last century. One indicator of innovation in this company is the adoption of employee empowerment stages, which is a dominant strategy in modern management. For instance, the organization has upheld employee training as a way of keeping to at par with changes in worker environment, and apart from planning, the organization has exercised expertise in the implementation of its innovations. Another a ttribute of modern management theory that can be identified in this organization is the use of research management as a tool for overcoming business threats and taking advantage of opportunities. Cole (76) points out that business in the last century has been phased by the forces of competition, and that the only way to survive in the dynamic market research strategies should be employed to identify market opportunities and to initiate differentiation strategies. GE has embarked on corporate research to identify possible areas of business development, which has helped it to remain unique in the energy provision sector. In this regard, it is possible to regard the management development patterns adopted by GE as relevant to the pattern proposed by the management theories. Which of GE’s management innovations seems to draw on a classical management perspective? Which seem to draw on a behavioral management perspective? How does the contingency perspective explain the management changes that GE has made over the years? Explain each of your responses. Classical and Behavioral strategies of management are different schools of thought that seek to optimize productivity in an organization. In classical management, managers seek to maximize output by optimizing the productivity characteristics of employees. GE has employed classical perspective in their innovation strategies by capitalizing on marketing strategies to enhance product flow to the customers. Marketing is a push strategy that aims at rolling out business products to the target customers and is crucial in optimizing organizational productivity. In addition, the organization has capitalized on worker experience to improve their productivity. In fact, the CEO of GE points out that employee in this organization relies on ‘past experience’ to improve their efficiency within the organization. As Griffin (13) explains, the use of classical perspectives is still superior in modern strategic ma nagement strategies. Behavioral perspectives are part of organizational management strategies that pay attention to employee empowerment as a way of aligning employee goals to the organizational goals and strategies. Griffin (14) regards behavioral management as a modern approach to organizational management that is relevant in the dynamic business environment. GE has

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Segregation In Public Schools In the American Society Research Paper

Segregation In Public Schools In the American Society - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that some researchers claim that the school assignment policies must focus mainly on socioeconomic integration instead of racial integration. Even though the most significant aim is racial integration, economic integration is significant if academic achievement is to be boosted. The low socioeconomic status of a learning institution is openly connected to minimal learning for students, even when age, family socioeconomic status, and race have been controlled. Additionally, so as to be able to appreciate the proper social significance of integration, it is good to focus on the long-term results rather than short-term outcomes. Although the court verdicts limit schools to take into consideration race in the admission processes, these verdicts do not forbid racial deliberations in total. Since there is a strong affiliation between school integration and neighborhood in the present days, the court ruling should on integration instead concentrate on decreasing ethnic s egregation in the neighborhoods. This paper makes a conclusion that school segregation in the United States is still present even after court rulings that enhance integration. Greatness ought to be shared no matter what race or age you are in, it is good to have a society that is integrated so as to be able to achieve civil rights goals. Additionally, when enacting policies, the lawmakers must make sure the laws touch all aspects of segregation, and there should be a continuous oversight if the laws are being adhered to.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Republican Party Essay Example for Free

Republican Party Essay The Republican Party has always been the true political party of the United States of America. When referring to the Declaration of Independence’s three principles based on John Locke’s and Thomas Jefferson‘s definitions of them. The three principles of the Declaration are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Republican Party is superior to the Democratic Party in upholding the Declaration’s principles and biblical God given rights. There are three policies that show that coincide with the prominent Declaration principles that exemplify the dominance of the Republican Party to the Democratic Party. For principle life it is the parties views on abortion, liberty it is the views on gun control, and the pursuit of happiness it is the views on taxes. The principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness were originally defined by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson constructed his definitions from inspirations he received from John Locke‘s writings, primarily from his book Two Treaties. John Locke’s principles slightly differed from the ones in the Declaration and consisted of the principles life, liberty, and property. He called these principles the people’s natural rights, meaning all men are innately born with the right to them. John Locke defines life as God given and that all people are God’s property and entitled to life. Locke defines liberty as â€Å"not a state of license,† but as a rightful and moral exercise of freedom. He states that liberty does not give man the right to take his own life or hinder the liberty of others. A man cannot harm the health, possessions, or life of another man. Locke lastly defines the natural right to property. Locke defines this principle as more than owning things, but also owning oneself. He also defines property as owning the common, the things citizens labor to have. An example of owning then common Locke gives is, if a man catches a fish in the ocean, cooks it and eats it because he labored for it and it was God given. Jefferson based the definitions of life and liberty off of Locke’s definitions in the Declaration of Independence, but changed property and redefined it as the pursuit of happiness. Jefferson defines the pursuit of happiness as mans right to pursue happiness, but not the right to happiness. The Republican party best follows the definition of life according to the Declaration of Independence with their view on abortion. The big difference between the Republican party and the Democratic party on this issue is the Republican party sees abortion as wrong and the Democratic party does not. The republicans are pro-life and conservative and believe that each human being has the right to live and abortion is equivalent to murder. In 2008, approximately one million, twenty-one thousand abortions took place in the U. S. , that’s over one million murders. The Republican Party recognizes that even in the womb the fetus is unique and is a living being with the inalienable right to life and has a creator. The Republican Party as a generalized view believes that human life commences at conception, and therefore has individual and exclusive rights from the mother, which in turn does not give permission to the mother to abort the child. The Democratic Party is the liberal party and is pro-choice in the abortion debate. They believe that being the future mother or it being the women’s body gives her the privilege to make the decision regarding the fetus life. A fair point, but one you never hear is that the government should not try to control what a citizen does with their body, just like it does not tell them what they should eat. Then again, it would be an oxymoron for they do believe in governmental control. The Democratic Party is the party that states that they are the moving forward political party, and they are the ones who manufactured Planned Parenthood, a facility, located across the country, which dedicates their expertise on making a profit on the mistake of, typically, young girls. Planned Parenthood was first opened in 1916 by Margaret Sanger, her sister and a friend. Inauspiciously, she was jailed, but her idea birthed the revelation and a revolution of the movement of women. It gave women the opportunity to fight for not only their body, but for their lives. The Democratic Party, and thus the Federal government have made it very clear that this is an issue worth fighting. Democrats see abortion as a woman’s right to choose what she does with her body neglecting the fetuses right to life. They believe credit the choice of abortion to liberty and since the fetus is inside of the mother she has the liberty to decide what happens. The Republican Party embodies the Declaration of Independence’s absolute right to liberty by their views on gun control. The Republican Party has not only been an advocator of the citizens right to liberty, but also immensely advocates the second amendment. The Second Amendment states, â€Å"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. † The second amendment was is to firstly, defend us from foreign invaders if our army cannot hold them back and it is necessary if a crisis that large ever occurred for American’s to be able to defend there country. Republicans believe right to own a gun is a law-abiding citizens liberty to exercise their freedom to self-defense or to hunt on legal hunting grounds. Republicans do not support guns for hindering the life or liberty of others, but do respect the peoples right to own one. Republicans â€Å"oppose federal licensing of law-abiding gun owners national gun registration as a violation of the Second Amendment and an invasion of privacy of honest citizens. † The Republican Party defends citizen’s Constitutional right and inalienable right to liberty with their political principles on gun control. The Democratic Party’s view on gun control differs from the Republican viewpoint. Democrats believe the right to bear arms should be severely regulated. Some of the regulations they propose are passing a background check, applying for a permit (which includes having to attend a course teaching on how to handle a weapon), and a copy of the citizen’s mental health record. Democrats believe they are still protecting and acknowledging the Second Amendment, but are by having higher gun control restrictions keeping the guns out of the hands of criminals and terrorists. Democrats believe that strengthening the governments gun control regulations will decrease violence, ignoring that they are infringing on the Declaration of Independence’s inherent right of liberty. The last inalienable right of the Declaration of Independence is the pursuit of happiness. The Republicans best symbolizes this right with their view on taxes. The United States government taxes just about everything, ranging from income taxes to a food taxes to property taxes. The Republican Party believes in only taxing to â€Å"raise money for essential functions. † This means hat Republican believe that the government should spend the citizens tax money only to enforce contracts maintain basic infrastructure and national security, and protect the citizens against criminals. Thus giving American citizens the best chance to pursue happiness. Republicans do not believe the money they get from taxpayers is theirs, but that it is the taxpayers and that it should be invested in a way that is best for them and benefits their futures the most. They strongly believe in keeping taxes low for all citizens. The Republicans are trying to enforce a tax system to help boost the economy called Tax Relief. This program will reduce the taxes for all businesses primarily small businesses to make it easier for the businesses to grow. If this were to happen it would provide many Americans with jobs. Another thing Republicans do to help Americans easier pursue happiness with their beliefs on taxes is they seek to limit the income tax so citizens can save more money, choose easier what they spend their money on, or invest in something. The Democratic position is not like the Republican Party’s and does not represent the inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness. Democrats aim to raise taxes for government funding that they believe will turn into businesses. They wish to cut taxes for the middle class and increase them upon the wealthy. The wealthy class is considered the top one percent income earners. Contrary to the Republican Party the Democrats believes that you feed in the money with the poor, so rather than giving taxes breaks to the rich, you offer the poor money to go to school, get out of their situation, find a job and move their family in a better home. Citizens will find that the Democratic Party demands many tax increases especially on people who make more than a million dollars a year, also called the one percent. The common argument regarding tax increases, that rich people never pay taxes and regardless of the number they never lose a dime. And that all it does it put more paper in the system making the revenue of the United States of America augment. The Republican party does not only follow the inalienable rights better as they are defined in the Declaration of Independence, but they also follow them better as God given rights. God is the one who gave people the right to life, liberty, and happiness. The Republican views best coincide with the Biblical views of the inalienable rights stated in the Declaration of Independence. The verse Jeremiah 1:4-5 best amplifies the Lord’s view on abortion. It says â€Å"Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: â€Å"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations. † This means that the Lord knew everyone before they were born and created him or her each uniquely. Americans are all God’s children and since He knew them before they were born that means taking one of their lives would be murder. Verse Exodus 20:13 says, â€Å"Thou shalt not kill. † Therefore the Republican Party and their position against abortion best follow God’s will of life. The next God given right or inalienable that the Republican Party best represents is liberty. Part of the definition of the indisputable right to liberty is that you may not interfere with or hinder the liberty of another person. The Bible verse that demonstrates the respecting of others liberty is Leviticus 19:18 â€Å"Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord. † The Republicans represent this with their view on again gun control. The Republicans do not allow gun usage for the misconduct or injury of others. The last God given right is the right to the pursuit of happiness. The Bible verse Ecclesiates 5:19 best demonstrates that God wanted His creations to be happy and pursue it. The verse says, â€Å"Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept His work—this is a gift of God. † This verse goes along directly with Thomas Jefferson’s definition of the pursuit of happiness. God gave all humans the ability to be happy, but it is their job to pursue it and achieve it. The Republican principle that best goes along with the Biblical view of the pursuit of happiness is taxes because Republicans do their best to use the taxpayer’s money to benefit them. They also try to take as little from people as they can. Based on the Declaration of Independence’s and God given inalienable rights, the Republican Party is the true political party of the United States. The Republican Party best simulates the definitions given by John Locke and Thomas Jefferson for the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They demonstrate this by their political standpoints on the controversial issues of abortion, gun control, and taxes.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Critical Thinking and Computer Logic :: Case Study, solution

With the PCLM solution came another set of problems, the largest being that of what to do with the existing personal computers. We had just assumed we could dispose of the outdated computers as you would any other item, by placing it in the trash. That turned out to not be the case, we had to obey all local, State, and Federal regulations regarding the proper disposal of personal computers and CRT monitors. The other unforeseen circumstance was compiling with Federal laws associated to properly destroying all sensitive customer information off the PC hard drives. HIPAA physical safeguard contain the following regulation; disposal, implement policies and procedures to address the final disposition of electronic protected health information, and or the hardware or electronic media on which it is stored; media re-use, implement procedures for removal of electronic protected health information from electronic media before the media are made available for re-use; accountab ility, maintain a record of the movements of hardware and electronic media and any person responsible therefore. (Phoenix Health Systems, 2006) With regards to disposing or recycling of old computer equipment there are very many key things that need to be considered. What are the fees for disposing or recycling of computer and other electronic equipment? Is disposing of electronic equipment equally as environmentally safe compared to recycling? What are the long-term effects of disposing this kind of materials? Can anyone benefit from the recycling of computers or other electronic devices? These are some of the things that should be considered when deciding to dispose of old or unwanted computer materials. Each company must see which option is best for them and their ideals. Usually there are nominal fees for companies to pick up and dispose of computers, monitors, and printers, the same can be said for recycling. There are even free options that are sometimes offered by non-profit or government agencies in order to help ease the land filling of this type of materials. Just last year the Michigan Department of Information Technology and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality teamed up with Dell, Inc. to host free computer recycling collections at three locations across Michigan to provide citizens with a better alternative for disposing of their electronic computer equipment (State of Michigan To Hold Computer Recycling Events, http://www.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Socrates On the Unexamined Mind

James Perkins Liberty University (Philosophy) â€Å"Unexamined Life is not worth Living† Socrates believed that people do not think for themselves he also believe that if an individual cannot â€Å"think† that person is not open for others to question his/hers thoughts. The outcome of this dilemma in Socrates mind is â€Å"life is not worth living†. According to our presentational lectures â€Å"Philosophy† is a critical examination of our thoughts â€Å"Critical thinking†.If we cannot think our way through life, then life has no meaning, and it is not worth living. I believe Socrates quote is true, what purpose are we pursuing in life? If any at all, Socrates carefully chooses the word â€Å"unexamined† our lecture teaches us that philosophy is a critical examination of our basic beliefs concerning reality. In my opinion reality is life; therefore we must ask ourselves the question, what is life? Speaking from a philosophical point of view, I believe life has no meaning, if we do not know who we are or what our purpose in life is.In our culture today many people want to exclude their past and forget what they have gone through in life. I believe as Socrates did in his time, to examine your past and the outcome of your future will lie before you. Again, I strongly believe Socrates famous quote is true, not only is it true, this quote has â€Å"step on the toes† of many people for many years. Why? In our current culture today we the people have issues on just using basic common sense. I believe common sense is a gift from God, therefore it is a natural gift.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Assignment Internal Cash Control Essay

The weaknesses in the internal control over cash disbursements are, there should be only one person in charge of writing the checks for each task, and there should be numbered checks for both people so that the funds spend can be tracked easier, the cabinets were the checks are stored should be two locked cabinets, one for each person who writes the checks. Memo: I would recommend that to have a better control over money paid and items purchased, that you start having numbered checks in two separate accounts, one account for the treasurer and one account for the purchasing agent. This method will make it easier for moth parties to avoid mistakes, and it will also be easier to verify money spent and received. P4-1A The internal control principles implemented by the Guard Dog Company are, numbered checks so that the company has a number trail to monitor cash dispersment. Each check must have approval from Jane Bell, and Dennis Kurt before a check can be issued, this is an establishment of responsibility to ensure that not just anyone ion the company can write checks. Checks must be signed by either Tom Kimball, the treasurer, or Karen Thews, the assistant treasurer. Before signing a check, the signer is expected to compare the amounts of the check with the amounts on the invoice, this is also a form of establishment of responsibility and both of these procedures are a use of documentation procedures. After signing a check, the signer stamps the invoice â€Å"paid† and inserts within the stamp, the date, check number, and amount of the check. The â€Å"paid† invoice is then sent to the accounting department for recording. By doing this it is a way of verifying company cash dispersment and documentation control. Blank checks are stored in a safe in the treasurer’s office. The combination to the safe is known by only the treasurer and assistant treasurer. By locking the checks in a safe it establishes responsibility for the checks, and uses a Physical, mechanical, and electronic controls to narrow down any check problems to one source. Each month the bank statement is reconciled with the bank balance per books by the assistant chief accountant. By doing this it establishes document control, this way any discrepancies in the amount paid can be verified. Indicate the weaknesses in internal accounting control in the handling of collections. The weaknesses in the handling of collections are the way the money is deposited, the way the checks are made out and the way the money is verified and deposited. P4-2A List the improvements in internal control procedures that you plan to make at the next meeting of the audit team for (1) the ushers, (2) the head usher, (3) the financial secretary, and (4) the finance committee. The improvements the ushers need to make is that after each offering they should individually count their own collected baskets and log there amount in an offering log book, so that there is less room for error in the next step. By handing all the baskets to the head usher without counting the money themselves, the head usher can offer any amount on his final deposit. The improvements the head usher needs to make is to make sure that each usher counts their baskets, and that the head usher counts all the baskets and checks for discrepancies to make sure that no one is pocketing any money. The head usher should also check the amount given to him/her against what is written in the offering log. Have a book to log the amount of money that is put into the safe so that it is logged in a way that can be verified by the committee, a note is not a safe method because it can be thrown out, by logging in a book it is easier to find were the discrepancies came from. The improvements the financial secretary should make is that he/she should have a list of what needs to be paid and make a log of the amounts that need paid and to make sure the receipts are logged along with whatever bills or services that needed to be paid that week. The financial secretary should also verify the amount of money in the safe against the log that is kept by the ushers. The financial committee should show a more detailed list of what expenditures are needed each month so that the financial secretary knows what is needed for payment that month. They should also be involved in verifying the churches income. To improve internal control the church should have a log for money received during offerings, they should tell the congregation to make the checks payable to the church or to the account holder that the checks are deposited into, because anyone can cash a check made out to â€Å"cash†. The church should also verify that any money not deposited from the offering was spent properly and not used for personal things. Include how a company could use the five basic principles of cash management to increase accuracy for a business. A company can increase the collection of receivables by offering incentives for quick payment from their customers. A company can delay the payment of liabilities and bills to close to the due date of the liability or bill, so that if any expenditure is needed before the due date they will not have spent the money too early. A company can keep inventory low on the merchandise that does not sell quickly, so that the company has money for the merchandise that is popular and selling fast. A company that wish to expand should wait until they have excess money in a slow season so that they can expand their business and have new locations open in time for their busy season. A company should invest money that is sitting idle into low risk companies’, the most common form of liquid investments is interest-paying U. S. government securities.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Canterbury Tales essays

The Canterbury Tales essays In Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, a group of pilgrims travels together to Canterbury and along the way tell one another stories to pass the time. Chaucer makes use of these stories and the people who tell them to comment on the society of his time, suggesting certain things by his choice of which pilgrim tells what kind of story. Some of the pilgrims are clerics, and others are government workers or members of the public. They represent a cross-section of the society of the day, as do many of the characters in the stories they tell. One of the persistent images in these stories is an image of women, which varies from the submissive to the more aggressive and which is found in both the pilgrims and their stories. In "The Franklin's Tale," ideas about women are expressed in the usual terms but in a different way, combining different traditions to produce an image of women and marriage as both an instance of male dominance combined with the courtly love tradition which so infused much of the poetry of the time. The image created of women is that they are decorative and virtuous, and this is also an element in the courtly love tradition. The traditions included by Chaucer in The Canterbury Tales are different and more expansive, for the tales include a number of women from different classes. These woman are lustier and more accessible, as a rule, with one of the primary representatives being the Wife of Bath. Love in these stories is an ongoing battle between the sexes, sometimes in the courtly love tradition (as in "The Franklin's Tale" in which Dorigen and Arviragus are obsessed with meeting the requirements of courtly love, or in the description of the Squire in the Prologue, who also deliberately pursues the traditions of courtly love). The Wife of Bath is a lusty woman who also uses the courtly love tradition in her story, though she deliberately toys with it as she te...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Stay a While and Learn About Sojourn

Stay a While and Learn About Sojourn Stay a While and Learn About â€Å"Sojourn† Stay a While and Learn About â€Å"Sojourn† By Mark Nichol After I posted a list of synonyms for trip, a couple of readers offered sojourn as an additional alternative. Unfortunately, however, they are victims of a common misunderstanding. Sojourn is actually a near antonym of trip. It means â€Å"a brief stay.† The confusion undoubtedly arises from the presence of the syllable journ, which is cognate with the first syllable of journey and journal (as well as the last element of du jour, French and restaurantese for â€Å"of the day†). What do all these words have in common? Jour is a descendant, through the Anglo-French word jur, of the Latin term diurnum, meaning â€Å"day,† which is also the source of diurnal (the opposite of nocturnal). Journey originally referred to a day’s travel but now denotes travel of any significant duration. (Tour, though it rhymes with jour, is unrelated; it comes from the Latin word tornare, meaning â€Å"to turn.†) Journal, meanwhile, was originally a reference to a book used in church services. The meaning then shifted to any book for keeping personal or business records, and later also to daily publications. (The synonym for a personal journal, diary, is ultimately from dies, a Latin word for â€Å"day.†) Another related word is journeyman, which acquired the meaning â€Å"a craftsman more skilled than an apprentice but not yet experienced enough to earn status as a master,† came from the association of such workers with short-term projects they were (and sometimes still are) literally â€Å"day men.† So, where does sojourn come in? Perhaps the misunderstanding about its meaning stems from the connective grammatical function of the word so: â€Å"I want to travel, ‘so’ I ‘journ.’† However, it derives from subdiurnare, meaning â€Å"part of a day† (with the usual meaning of the prefix sub-) and referring to a resting period during a daylong journey. Therefore, Sojourner Truth, the nineteenth-century slave turned abolitionist and activist for women’s rights, presumably selected that name for herself because she wished not to travel toward truth, but to abide in it. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What Is Irony? (With Examples)The Parts of a WordThe Difference Between "Shade" and "Shadow"

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Research and Discussion on Business Crimes, Business Torts, and Essay

Research and Discussion on Business Crimes, Business Torts, and Product Liability - Essay Example On the other hand, an unintentional tort usually negligence, is one based on carelessness rather than deliberate criminal activity, perhaps for economic gain. Usually the claimant has to prove the defendant was negligence and this negligence was the proximate cause of his damage and/or injuries. However, in certain cases a substance such as a chemical may be considered inherently very dangerous and if it escapes and this cause damages/injuries a court may impose strict liability, meaning that the claimant does not have to prove the defendant was negligent. Rather the defendant is assumed to be negligent even though the exact cause of the incident is undetermined, unless they can show an outside force such as a natural disaster caused the incident and even with the best loss prevention and safety practices there is no way it could have been prevented. A common basis for a negligence action is premises liability. (Findlaw) A business must ensure that its’ premises is safe for its’ customers and others to reduce the possibility of slip and fall claims and injuries/damages resulting from other hazards. For example, grocery stores must try to keep their floors clear of fallen produce. Those stores in states prone to severe winter conditions must ensure their parking lots and sidewalks are regularly cleared of hazardous snow and ice. Other hazards that could give rise to successful liability claims are inadequate lighting, too narrow aisles especially with heavy stock piled nearby which could fall on customers, stairs without proper handrails, too steep risers, poorly maintained or without warning signs and/or contrasting colors to mark their presence. The duty of a frontline manager in a retail outlet is to anticipate possible hazards on his premises and promptly take steps to eliminate them or at least to reduce them as much as possible. Depending on the hazard, this can be achieved in